Sunday, January 23, 2011

Coloring Fun!

I have been wanting to color my hair for some time now. I went to the store and got the color almost 3 weeks ago and every time Shanna was home I would ask her to do it for me; well something always happened and she and I just never got around to it. So I was sitting in my room last night and I thought I should ask Skyler to do it! He is just watching TV and being lazy. I was apprehensive, but I asked anyways and he was cool with it. We talked and laughed a bunch during the process. It was really fun for me, but I don't know about him.

This is me in process

Here I am the next day!


  1. I think it's perfect! Come dye my hair, I've had this box for almost 2 months now . . .

  2. thanks everyone. I was scared of this color but I decided to just go for it. Liz I will totally come and do you hair for you!
